Here are proudly displayed
all the prestigious awards that this website has won. We'd like to thank our all our
fans and visitors who supported this website throughout its development and continue to do
so throughout its time on the Internet. Thanks everyone!
Total Awards: 17!
-Prestigious? Ha! Your page kicks mine's
But I'll say for sure you have won December!
Wow! I'm impressed! I love the Christmas Garrison! hehe
Oh man! Looks like you guys worked really hard! And you need to recieve lot's of credit!
A humble admirer:
-Chris __________________________________________________
Have you created a web site? Did you take the time to
learn HTML and then take even more time and energy to tediously create your own web site?
If so we think that puts you a little above the normal person...and we think you deserve
an award!
Let's face it....most people wouldn't even know where
to start. Heck a lot of people still don't know what this "Internet"
thing even is! But you know...and more than that, you've etched your own mark in it!
Who are we to judge whether your site is good or not?
YOU know how much time you've put into it, YOU know how hard it was to learn HTML, You
know how many headaches you received from straining at the computer screen while creating
your own custom graphics, YOU know if YOU are proud of you're site.....and that's all that
matters in this world!
We would like to thank you for taking the time to
make the Internet a better place. Without you and others like you, the Internet wouldn't
be what it is today. We appreciate your hard work and effort and would like to give you
our award.
So feel free to copy our award logo from the top of
this screen. Link it back to us at if you like. You don't
have to link back to us if you don't want to :) there are no conditions or terms that go
along with winning this award. __________________________________________________
-If you are receiving this email, then
you have already won one
of my awards, because I found your site pleasing, well-organized
and recoginized the work that you have put into it.
-Congratulations!!......Your site
definitely qualifies
for the "Critical Mass Award". A very nice site, good
design, clever graphics, and your content is informative,
entertaining, presented well and easy to access. A worthy
enterprise and a positive contribution to the Web.
Thanks for helping make the Web a more interesting,
fun and attractive place to visit. I really enjoyed my
visit to your site and will return again when time permits :)
-Congratulations !!
You have won both of Toh_std's Awards for Greatside awards & 2 star awards!!! I
really loved your page! It was great!
-Thank you for visiting our corner of
the web and giving me the
opportunity to visit your site. I was very impressed by all the hard
work you have put into the site and have to congratulate you on a
wonderful achievement in web site design.
I would like to extend my congratulations on producing a very well designed site dedicated
to the Battle Chasers comics. An excellent addition to the web, one that you should be
very proud of. It really is impressive work!
Your site has won a 'Site of Beauty Award' from Nerissa. This award of course is not given
out to just ANY web site. So consider yours to be one of the GREAT ONES! All of your hard
work has paid off. Keep it up.
Once again....CONGRATULATIONS!!!
It is with pleasure that I get to tell you that you have been granted
the Pretty Penny Award.
No site that has racist, anti-religious, porno, pro-psych material
may display the Pretty Penny. We're in the business of making the
Web a better place to be for everyone.. one webpage at a time.
Happy Holidays!
Kevin Taylor
-After carefully reviewing your site, we
are pleased to present you with the Wazige's Hot Site Award. We were very impressed
with your sites contents and design. Keep up the good work.
- <<<<< Congratulations!
I am happy to announce to you that you are the winner of the most prestigious "Bronze
ART Award". Again, I congratulate you for winning one of the most prestigious
and hard-to-win awards over the net- be proud and continue to develope your site.
Best wishes for a job well done,
-Gerard Barten
-Congratulations! I reviewed your
site and was very impressed. Congratulations again on your accomplishment of
designing a excellent site.........
-Terras World
-Thank you for submitting your site.
We have finished our review and are very happy to inform you that your site is a
WINNER. Congratulations. We think your site is well designed
and has excellent content.
-Hi Rama,
I reviewed your site and I am awarding you with, the Hawk.
Thank you, and have a
happy New Year,
Tom Duda
High Density Computing
January, 1999!
-Thanks for applying for Eternity's Best
of the Web Award. Sy has found your site among the very best on the web. Thanks for
making the web a better place.
Your website has won the February 1999 Way Wild Site Award. Finally created your
award. Post it with pride!
-SriRam23 and NMarzullo,
You guys certainly one really kick-ass site, so I decided that you could add this award to
the other 16 you've already got.
Unoffical Webmaster